May 5, 2011

Mostly just updating to say that there is not much for updates yet in case anyone's been wondering if I forgot!  The only new update is I had to call the hospital's (St. Louis) procedure department to answer some questions about Liam's sleeping/medical conditions for his new MRI.  Some things make certain anesthetics harder on some kids, I'm not sure if anything I said did, but I guess we will find out.  Neurology should be calling me soon with a date to go get a new MRI.  We are supposed to get a new EEG as well but I don't think their procedures department takes care of that so I don't know when that will be.  I hope it's during a nice day this summer, St. Louis has a lot of fun outdoor things to do.
We had his AEA occupational therapist come watch him eat and she seems to agree that he doesn't need a g-tube...not sure how much of that is because she thought thats what I wanted to hear and how much she really thought it, but she said he did a good job of chewing, getting the food to his mouth etc.  She hadn't watched him eat since last fall.  She is going to try to get me the name of a feeding clinic that has an occupational therapist, gastro, and psych as well.  None of the close ones seem to!

On a side note, we got a postcard in the mail to an event called Dreamnight at the zoo for kids who have gone to the U of I and have a "chronic" condition.  Considering he hasn't been there in a long time and he doesn't have a diagnosis I'm not really sure what the criteria is, but it's invite only and we got one.  It's at the Des Moines zoo, and I think we are going to go to it.  It's not until June so I hope I don't forget by then!
Other than that, as of yesterday I am FREE from school...hopefully I will get my sanity back and I won't feel so bad that Liam has been spending so much time away from home so his grandmas can take him to physical therapy!

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